Reading with children
a blog by Magic Tales

The Psychology of Animals in Children’s Literature: Unraveling the Imagination
When you dive into the enchanting world of children's literature, you quickly notice a recurring theme: animals as main characters. The timeless classics spanning from Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit to E.B. White's Charlotte's Web and down to the modern bestseller The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, all present complex narratives encased in the simplistic guise of anthropomorphic animals. And suddenly, we're compelled to ask, why do animals enjoy such lasting popularity in children's books, and more importantly, what purpose do they serve?
The Magic of Anthropomorphism
Anthropomorphism, the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities, has been a cornerstone of children's literature. Implementing animals in stories can often help children understand and process complex feelings and situations in a way that feels safe and accessible. When animals express emotions, act out negative traits such as selfishness or greed, or overcome challenges, children are able to observe, internalize, and learn without directly relating these situations to themselves or people they know.
The Empathy Bridge
Animal characters in children's literature often serve as an effective tool for teaching empathy. Feeling empathy for animals who experience emotions similar to theirs can be an easier step for children, helping them relate to humans in the same way. Empathy is a crucial skill to develop early in life, and animal characters in books offer a gentle stepping-stone on this important journey.
A Safe Haven for Scary Topics
Equally important is the role of animals in addressing harder topics. Heavy emotions such as fear, anxiety, or loss are sometimes too daunting for children when presented in the human context. In this setting, animals provide a safe distance that allows children to explore these emotions without feeling personally threatened.
The Universal Appeal
Most children are innately drawn to animals. This makes animal characters a universal appeal, breaking down barriers of culture, age, and language. From Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are to Marc Brown's Arthur Series, there's a universal connectivity that bridges children across the globe.
The psychology of animals in children’s literature is an intricate tapestry interweaving learning, growth, and entertainment. It’s about creating developments, revealing insights, and setting foundations in the formative years of children's lives. These carefully crafted narratives, embodied in lovable, relatable animals, contribute significantly to these developmental milestones, making the act of reading much more than a bedtime ritual - it's a journey of understanding, healing, and growing together.
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