Reading with children
a blog by Magic Tales
Supporting Your Child's Journey: Learning Shapes through Children’s Books and Reading
Children's books are more than just a tool to keep your little ones entertained. They play a critical role in their educational journey, helping them understand concepts and learn about the world. One key area that children's books can help is in learning shapes. As a parent or guardian, you can play an active part in their learning process.
Here's how you can facilitate their learning shapes using children's books and reading:
1. Choosing the Right Children’s Books:
Begin by finding books that are specifically aimed at teaching shapes. Look for those that have bright, clear, and well-labeled illustrations. Engaging your children with such visual learning materials can greatly enhance their understanding and retention of different shapes. Books like 'Shapes, Shapes, Shapes' by Tana Hoban and 'Circle, Square, Moose' by Kelly Bingham are excellent for teaching shapes.
2. Incorporating Reading:
Reading is an essential part of shape learning. When reading shape books with your child, make it an interactive session by asking them to identify the shapes they see in the book. Repeat the names of the shapes and explain them one by one. Finding real-world applications for each shape will help them relate and remember.
3. Using Props:
Adding dimensional props can take the learning a notch up. Use toys or everyday objects to match and identify the shapes in the book. If a book features a red circle, show them a tomato or a ball. This adds a hands-on dimension to the learning process and enriches the reading experience.
4. Storytelling:
Humans are natural storytellers, and children are hardwired to learn from narratives. Try telling stories incorporating different shapes. use characters from their favorite books and introduce the concept of shapes into the story. For example, you could talk about how 'Thomas the Tank Engine' went through a circle tunnel and loaded a square package.
5. Encouraging Creativity:
Post reading, encourage your children to draw the shapes they learned about. Drawing assists in retention and helps reinforce the lesson. You could also create simple crafts revolving around different shapes.
6. Reinforce Learning:
Repetition is key when it comes to learning. Consistently revisiting the shapes through books, activities, and games can help them understand better and retain the information longer.
Remember, patience is key when teaching your children about shapes. Every child is different, and they learn at their own pace. It’s important to keep the learning experience fun and not pressurize them. Keep the interaction positive, and always appreciate their efforts. Happy Reading and Learning!
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