Reading with children
a blog by Magic Tales

Unpacking the Psychology of Getting Dressed in Children's Literature
The psychology of Getting Dressed in Children's Literature
In the panorama of children's literature, there are various themes which are seemingly simple yet so fundamental in character formation. One such theme is 'Getting Dressed.' Today we are going to dive into the subtle aspects of this theme and appreciate its importance.
Most parents can, amusingly, recount stories of the occasional or ongoing battle to get their little one into certain clothes. This is where children's literature steps in to make the process fun and meaningful! Getting dressed is not just an activity here. It represents larger concepts such as independence, choices, preferences, and identity.
Independence and Responsibility
Books aimed at toddlers, for instance, encourage 'doing it myself.' There's a great sense of pleasure a toddler experiences when they are able to put on their own socks or button up their shirt. This is the onset of their independence. Authors like Anna Kang subtly educate children about these concepts in a gratifying manner. They use their characters' journeys to teach children and empathize with their struggles. 'Can I tell you a secret?' is a perfect example of this.
Choices and Preferences
As children grow older, they start to have favorite colors, favorite types of clothing, and they start to express their wants and likes more. This is the birth of choices and preferences. Books like 'Froggy Gets Dressed' by Jonathan London or 'Ella Sarah Gets Dressed' by Margaret Chodos Irvine beautifully illustrate this phase.
Identity and Expression
Teen literature takes the 'Getting Dressed' concept a notch higher and blends it with identity and expression. Consider the 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' by Ann Brashares. The pants symbolize more than just a piece of clothing. Each character’s unique way of styling it delivers a unique sense of self-expression and identity.
In conclusion, children’s books do more than tell a story. They subtly teach motifs of responsibility, decision making, self-expression and discovery. By understanding the surface simplicity of getting dressed, we allow our children to grasp concepts that are the very building blocks of character. As we read books that center around these themes, we enrich our children's reading experience and provide them with tools to better navigate their journey to adulthood.
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