Reading with children

a blog by Magic Tales

child reading

Exploring the Psychology of the Best Friend in Children's Literature

As parents, educators, and lovers of children’s books, we’ve perceived how literature can profoundly impact young minds. Characters from beloved books become as real to children as their own friends, and this is no accident. The craft of children's literature utilizes fundamental principles of psychology to create deep connections between readers and characters. One of the most impactful of these connections is indeed the 'Best Friend' character. We are going to delve into the psychology of the 'Best Friend' role in children’s literature and explore how it affects children's cognitive and social development.

The Significance of the Best Friend

The theme of friendship is central in popular children's literature, with books such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Charlotte's Web showcasing the close companionship between characters. The 'Best Friend' archetype helps children comprehend friendships beyond their real-world experiences. These literary friendships expose youngsters to diverse scenarios - joy, conflict, reconciliation, and loss, fostering empathy, resolution skills, and resilience.

Support and Guidance

In children's literature, the 'Best Friend' character typically offers support and guidance. These characters are critical in assisting the protagonist to navigate their story arc, just as real-life friends are instrumental in our personal growth. This phenomenon is clearly shown in books like Harry Potter where Harry's friends, Hermione and Ron, are often the reason for his success and survival.

Mirror and Shadow

The 'Best Friend' character can also act as a 'mirror' reflecting positive attributes or a 'shadow' displaying less desirable traits. This dichotomy encourages readers to engage in self-reflection, helping them recognize their virtues and areas requiring improvement. As we see in classics like Winnie the Pooh, where Piglet mirrors Pooh’s bravery despite his innate fearfulness.

Fostering Empathy and Understanding

Finally, the inclusion of 'Best Friend' characters in children’s books fosters empathy, patience, and understanding. The pivotal role that these figures play in the protagonists’ lives allows children to grasp the consistent work required in maintaining friendships and mutual respect. Books like The BFG or Bridge to Terabithia demonstrate all aspects of friendship–both the highs and the lows–reinforcing the value of loyalty, patience, and emotional support.

The 'Best Friend' archetype teaches our children about friendship, dedication, compromise, and loss. These characters offer more than just adventurous companionship; they provide opportunities for social and emotional growth. Children's books with strong, intricate friendships extend our kids' understanding of society and themselves and play a crucial role in their cognitive and emotional development. So next time your young ones pick up a children's book, take a moment to appreciate the 'Best Friend' they're reading about.

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